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How To Get or Train A Therapy Dog In 2024 : (USA / UK)


How to Get a Therapy Dog in 2024

Understanding Therapy and Assistance Dogs

Key differences and definitions

As you navigate the realm of therapy and assistance dogs, it’s crucial to grasp their distinctions. Assistance dogs are specially trained to perform tasks that mitigate the disabilities of their handlers, be it physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities.
On the other hand, therapy dogs provide comfort and affection to individuals in hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. They are not designated for one specific person and do not have the same access rights as assistance dogs.

Rights and legal recognition in the UK

In the UK, therapy dogs do not have the same legal recognition as assistance dogs. The latter are covered by the Equality Act 2010, ensuring they can accompany their owners to most public places.
In contrast, therapy dogs do not typically enjoy this legal protection and can be barred from certain spaces without consequence to facility operators.

The role of emotional support dogs

Emotional support dogs fall into a different category. They provide companionship and alleviate symptoms for individuals with emotional and mental health problems, but unlike therapy or assistance dogs, they require no specialized training. Their access to public places in the UK is not legally protected.

The Path to Choosing a Therapy Dog

Analyzing breed traits and temperament

When selecting a therapy dog, consider the breed’s characteristics and the individual dog's temperament. Aim for breeds known for their gentle, friendly nature, and avoid breeds that may be too energetic or aloof for therapy work.

Allergies and size considerations

Account for potential allergies to dog dander within the populations you plan to serve. Larger breeds, while often gentler, may not be suitable if size constraints exist in your facilities of choice.

Assessing your dog’s potential

Scrutinize your dog’s personality and conduct. Positive signs include a calm demeanor, willingness to be touched, and a lack of aggressive tendencies. A therapy dog should exude tranquility and be amiable with strangers.

Training Requirements for Therapy Dogs

Fundamental obedience training

Ensure your therapy dog masters basic obedience commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘heel’. These form the foundation of your dog's ability to function effectively in therapeutic environments.

Advanced socialization and handling

Prepare your dog for interacting with diverse individuals and coping with unfamiliar settings. They must remain serene amidst medical equipment, children, and groups of people.

Assessing and registering a therapy dog

Completing an assessment that typically includes tests of behavior, response to commands, and interaction with strangers and other dogs is necessary. Although there's no official registry for therapy dogs in the UK, obtaining certification through a respected organization can enhance credibility.

Legalities and Housing Considerations

Navigating the Equality Act 2010

This legislation shields individuals with assistance dogs from discrimination. It mandates reasonable adjustments in housing policies to accommodate assistance dogs, differentiating them from pets.

Housing rights for therapy and assistance dogs

For assistance dog owners, the law requires landlords and housing associations to make concessions.
However, therapy dogs do not have the same level of legal protection and may contend with more housing access challenges.

Interacting with landlords and agencies

Engage with landlords proactively if there's an assistance dog involved. While therapy dog owners might not have the same legal backing, building a positive relationship with housing authorities can still be beneficial.

The Registration Process Explained

Steps to obtaining therapy dog certification

Certification is a multistep process involving assessment of the dog's temperament and training level, usually executed by a recognized therapy dog organization.

The importance of ID booklets and certification

Possession of an identification booklet is customary for assistance dogs but not legally essential. Yet such identification can help mitigate access issues and reinforce the legitimacy of the assistance dog.

Avoiding misleading registration services

Steer clear of services promising rights equivalent to those of assistance dog owners on registering an emotional support dog, as these claims are deceptive and without legal standing.

Volunteer and Professional Applications

Opportunities in educational and healthcare settings

Therapy dogs frequently assist in educational institutions and healthcare facilities, enhancing the lived experiences of students, patients, and staff alike.

The impact of therapy dogs on mental health

The affirmative effects of therapy dog interactions on mental well-being are increasingly recognized. These animals can reduce anxiety, promote social interaction, and offer nonjudgmental companionship.

Establishing a therapy dog program at work

Implementing a therapy dog program within your organization requires compliance with legal standards, creating a stress-alleviating environment conducive to mental health improvement.

Ensuring the Well-Being of Therapy Dogs

Meeting the health and exercise needs

Prioritize your therapy dog’s physical health through routine veterinary care and sufficient exercise, ensuring they can endure the demands of their therapeutic roles.

Emotional care and avoiding burnout

Watch for signs of stress or fatigue in your therapy dog to prevent burnout. Just as they provide emotional support to others, they require the same level of affection and attention in return.

Balancing therapy work and family life

It’s vital to strike a balance between your dog's work and its role as a family companion. Their job as a therapy dog should harmoniously coexist with their life in your home.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Handlers

Preparing for therapy dog visits

Plan for therapy visits with careful consideration of the specific needs and preferences of the population you're serving. Bring suitable equipment and remain sensitive to the comfort levels of both the dog and the participants.

Managing and overcoming common challenges

Prepare for potential obstacles such as unanticipated reactions to the dog or logistical hurdles. Proactive planning and adaptability are paramount.

Continuous training and development strategies

Dedicate time to ongoing training and professional development to refine your dog's skills and adapt to evolving best practices in animal-assisted therapy.


How do I obtain a therapy dog?

To procure a therapy dog, start with assessing suitable breeds and temperament. Training is crucial, with guidance available from numerous therapy dog organizations.

Can I train my own therapy dog?

Yes, one can train their own therapy dog, but it demands dedication and the skill to meet the stringent requirements of therapeutic work.

What are therapy dog requirements?

Therapy dog requirements often include passing temperamental assessments, demonstrating obedience, and showing the ability to calmly interact with various populations.

Where to apply for a therapy dog?

Reach out to recognized organizations that certify therapy dogs for information on the application process, training requirements, and available volunteering opportunities.


  1. Applying for an Assistance Dog - ADUK

  2. How to Get A Therapy Dog in the UK - Service Dog Certification

  3. What is a therapy dog and how do I find one for my family? - Petsure

  4. PAWS - Therapy Dog Training & Animal Assisted Therapy

  5. Could Your Dog Become a Therapy Dog? - Holidays4Dogs