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How to Get Your Puppy to Stop Biting You

how to get your puppy to stop biting you

How to Get Your Puppy to Stop Biting You in 3 easy steps

There’s no question that puppies are cute but dealing with their biting can be hard work. If you find yourself constantly fending off sharp puppy teeth, don't worry – it's a common behavior. If you want to get your puppy to stop biting you, you just have to approach it properly. 


Understanding Puppy Biting

Puppy biting is a natural part of doggy development. Puppies explore the world with their mouths, and biting is just a way of interacting with their surroundings and with you. It's crucial to train them to control this behavior, to limit it to gentle exploration and to prevent issues as they grow older.

Redirecting with Toys

STEP 1 The most effective method to stop your puppy from biting quickly and easily is to redirect their attention to appropriate chew toys. When your puppy starts nipping at you, gently remove your hand and replace it with a chew toy. This not only provides an acceptable outlet for their biting but also helps soothe any teething discomfort.

Also, as well as redirecting to toys, consider using treat-filled / interactive toys to engage your puppy's mind, helping to alleviate boredom, stress, restlessness ... and the desire to bite.

Whos a Good Boy ? It's You, Yes it is !

STEP 2 Puppies respond well to positive reinforcement. Whenever your puppy refrains from biting and interacts with you gently, shower them with praise, affection, and treats.

Positive reinforcement reinforces good behavior and helps your puppy associate gentleness with positive outcomes.

In addition to treats, you can use verbal cues like "gently" or "good boy" during positive reinforcement to associate commands with desirable actions.

Consistent Training

STEP 3 Consistency is the key to any training progamme, humans or puppies !

Ensure everyone in your household follows the same rules and reinforces the same behaviors. This consistency helps your puppy understand what is acceptable and what is not, reinforcing the learning process.

As your puppy progresses, consistency in training can extend beyond biting behavior to other aspects of obedience and social skills, creating a well-rounded and well-behaved pet.

Dealing With Undesirable Behavior

If your puppy continues to bite despite your efforts, it's time for timeouts. 

When the biting becomes too intense, withdraw your attention and leave the room briefly. This teaches your puppy that biting leads to a loss of interaction, helping them understand the consequences of their actions.

Timeouts can also be effective in addressing other undesirable behaviors, reinforcing the importance of consistent consequences.

Key Takeaways

Use a combination of redirection, positive reinforcement, consistent training, and the chances are, puppy biting will quickly be a thing of the past.


  1. American Kennel Club. (2022). Puppy Biting: Why it Happens and How to Stop it.

  2. The Humane Society of the United States. (2022). Nipping, Play Biting, and Mouthing in Adult Dogs.

  3. ASPCA. (2022). Mouthing, Nipping, and Biting in Puppies.