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How To Teach A Dog To Shake


Teaching Your Dog to Shake: A Fun and Engaging Trick for Pet Owners

Teaching your dog new tricks not only enhances the bond between you and your furry friend but also provides mental stimulation for them. One popular and charming trick is teaching your dog to shake paws. In this guide, we'll explore step-by-step instructions on how to teach this delightful trick, ensuring an enjoyable learning experience for both you and your canine companion.


Step 1: Set the Stage for Success

Before you begin training, ensure you are in a quiet and distraction-free environment. Have some tasty treats on hand to reward your dog for their efforts.

Step 2: Get Your Dog's Attention

Call your dog to you and have them sit in front of you. The "sit" command creates a focused and attentive posture for learning.

Step 3: Introduce the Hand Signal

Extend your hand, palm facing up, in front of your dog's paw. Gently tap the back of their paw with your fingers. This introduces the concept of offering their paw for a handshake.

Step 4: Use the Verbal Cue

Simultaneously, introduce a verbal cue such as "shake" or "paw." Consistency in your chosen cue is essential for your dog to associate the command with the action.

Step 5: Reward and Repeat

As soon as your dog lifts their paw, even if it's just a small lift, immediately reward them with a treat and enthusiastic praise. Repeat this process, reinforcing the connection between the command, the action, and the reward.

Step 6: Gradually Increase Duration

Once your dog is consistently offering their paw, start extending the duration they hold the shake before receiving a treat. This helps solidify the behavior.

Step 7: Generalize the Trick

Practice the trick in various locations and with different people to help your dog generalize the behavior. This ensures they can perform the trick in different contexts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start training in a quiet environment with minimal distractions.
  • Use a clear hand signal and a consistent verbal cue.
  • Reward your dog immediately for lifting their paw.
  • Gradually increase the duration of the shake before giving a treat.
  • Practice in different locations to generalize the trick.


  1. American Kennel Club (AKC) -
  2. The Spruce Pets -
  3. Cesar's Way -
  4. PetMD -