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Fun Things To Train Your Dog: From High Fives To Playing The Piano !

fun things to teach your dog


Unlock the Hidden Talents of Your Dog with Fun and Effective Training

You've probably seen those adorable videos of dogs doing amazing tricks and thought to yourself, "I wish my dog could do that."

Guess what? They absolutely can! Training your dog is not just about obedience, it's about tapping into their natural intelligence and channeling their energy into something that's both fun and mentally stimulating for them.

Whether you have a playful puppy or an older dog, this journey of teaching fun things to train your dog will strengthen the bond you share.

Let's dive into the world of puppy training and brain training for dogs, translating your furry friend's potential into incredible tricks!

Inspiration for this article was gained after a thorough review (and practical application of) the Brain Training For Dogs video course which we can highly recommend ! 

Fun Things To Teach Your Dog

Laying the Foundation for Effective Training

Starting with Basic Commands

Before you even think of teaching your dog to backflip, you need to lay the groundwork with some basic commands. These are the building blocks for more complex tricks. Start with 'sit', 'stay', and 'come'. Take your time, be consistent, and celebrate every little victory with heaps of praise and their favorite treats.

Establishing Training Routines

Dedication is key when it comes to training your dog. Carve out regular short sessions each day where you can fully engage with your four-legged pupil. This consistency sets clear expectations and provides a routine that dogs, being creatures of habit, thrive on.

Importance of Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement isn't just a fancy phrase – it's the heart and soul of effective training. It's about rewarding your dog's correct actions with something motivating like treats, praise, or playtime. Your dog will associate training with good things, making them more likely to repeat those desired behaviors.

fun things to teach your dog

Simple Tricks to Enhance Your Dog's Intelligence

Mastering the Classic Paw Shake

The paw shake is not just cute; it's an easy trick that serves as a great introduction to more complex skills. Hold a treat in your closed hand and watch your dog naturally paw at it. When they do, say "shake" and reward them. Before you know it, they'll be extending their paw with just the verbal cue!

Teaching Your Dog to Play Dead

'Play dead' is a dramatic and entertaining trick that never fails to impress. Start by training your dog to 'lie down'. Then, use a treat to guide them onto their side saying "play dead". With repetition and positive reinforcement, soon they'll flop over with just the command. Prepare for some serious applause!

The Fun of Fetch and Roll Over

Fetch isn't just a way to burn excess energy; it's a fun way to train your dog. Use their favorite toy and reward them when they bring it back. For 'roll over', guide your dog from a 'down' position with a treat in a circular motion above their head. Each completion equates to a treat and a truckload of praise.

Advanced Maneuvers for Mental Stimulation

Nailing the Impressive Handstand

If you're ready to take things up a notch, the handstand is a trick that's sure to wow onlookers. It requires balance and strength, so be patient and use treats to encourage your dog as they learn to lift their hind legs against a wall or your arm.

Instructing the Spin and High-Five

Spin and high-five are dynamic tricks that add some pizzazz to your dog's repertoire. Use a treat to lure your dog in a circular motion while saying "spin" and do the same for the high-five, raising your hand a bit higher each time. These moves spell out both fun and brain training for dogs.

Strategies for Playing Soccer with Your Dog

Did you know that training your dog to play soccer could be a reality? It’s a great way to refine their motor skills and coordination. Encourage them to push and chase the ball with their nose or paws. Start in short spurts and watch as both their skills and your mutual delight grow.

Beyond Basics: Special Tricks for Your Dog

Fetching a Tissue on Command

Move over, simple tricks; bring on fetching a tissue on command! This is a complex, multi-step trick, but with patience, it's doable. Break it down into smaller steps, practice each one, and eventually, your furry friend will be running to get a tissue every time you sneeze.

Opening and Closing Doors

Opening and closing doors is not just cool, it's practical. Attach a rope or soft toy to the door handle and lure your dog with a treat to use the rope to pull the door closed. Little by little, they'll get the hang of it and a new trick is born.

Assisting Your Dog to Sing Along

If you've ever wanted a singing partner, look no further than your own pooch. Some dogs will naturally vocalize when they hear certain sounds or music. 

When this happens, encourage it with treats and happy encouragement. Your dog will soon chime in more often, much to the delight (or dismay) of your neighbors!

Training as a Bonding Experience

Using Tricks to Improve Communication

Training your dog on various fun things isn't just entertainment; it's a crucial communication tool. 

Each trick you teach is a conversation, one where you're both learning how to understand and respond to each other better. It's a beautiful way to speak the same language – the language of love and mutual respect.

Building Trust through Playful Learning

Playful learning through puppy training is so vital for building trust. When your dog trusts you, they feel safe trying new things – even flipping over for a spectacular 'play dead'. 

Trust turns 'training sessions' into 'fun sessions' and isn't that what it's all about?

Creating Entertaining Moments with Tricks

Imagine your next gathering where you and your dog show off all the fun things to train your dog you've mastered together. 

Each trick is an opportunity to bring joy and laughter into your lives and to those around you. 

These moments are precious and remind us that training your dog is so much more than just obedience; it's about creating joyous memories that last a lifetime.

Whether it’s brain training for dogs, teaching your canine companion marvel-worthy maneuvers, or simply enjoying the journey of puppy training together, every step forward is a step closer to an even more incredible bond. Keep it positive, patient, and above all, fun! 

Your dog is capable of so much, and with your guidance, they're ready to embrace their newfound talents. Happy training!

Find Out More about Brain Training For Dogs here

References & Inspiration Also Came From :

  1. 21 Fun and Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn - The Spruce Pets

  2. 10 Fun, Impressive Tricks You Can Teach Any Dog - DogTime

  3. 15 Of The Coolest Things You Can Teach Your Dog - Buckhead Paws

  4. Top 25 Most Popular Dog Tricks (With Instructions) - Hundeo

  5. 10 fun dog tricks for beginners | Pawshake Blog


    You can also see Our Review of the Brain Training for Dogs video course here (click on image) :