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Why Do Dogs Steal Socks and Shoes?

Why Do Dogs Steal Socks and Shoes?

Why Do Dogs Steal Socks and Shoes?

If you're a dog owner, you've likely experienced the frustration of discovering your beloved pet has absconded with a sock or shoe from your collection. 

But why do dogs engage in this curious behavior of stealing socks and shoes? Let's unravel the reasons behind this common canine mischief.

 Key Takeaways

  • Dogs steal socks and shoes due to natural instincts, chewing and mouthing behavior, attention-seeking behavior, anxiety and stress relief, and habitual behavior.
  • Providing dogs with appropriate outlets for chewing and mental stimulation, as well as addressing underlying anxiety or stressors, can help prevent sock and shoe theft.
  • Understanding the reasons behind why dogs steal socks and shoes can help owners address and manage this behavior effectively.


Natural Instincts

At the heart of sock and shoe theft lies dogs' natural instincts, which are deeply rooted in their ancestry as hunters and scavengers. 

In the wild, dogs would scavenge for food and materials to build nests or dens. Socks and shoes, with their soft textures and familiar scents, may trigger dogs' instinctual drives to investigate and manipulate objects in their environment.

Chewing and Mouthing Behavior

For many dogs, stealing socks and shoes is a manifestation of their innate chewing and mouthing behavior. 

Dogs explore the world through their mouths, using chewing as a way to relieve stress, alleviate boredom, and satisfy their natural urge to gnaw on objects. 

Socks and shoes, with their enticing textures and smells, provide dogs with an irresistible opportunity to engage in chewing and mouthing behavior.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

In some cases, stealing socks and shoes may be a form of attention-seeking behavior exhibited by dogs. 

Dogs are social animals that crave interaction and companionship with their human pack members. 

By stealing items that carry their owner's scent, dogs may be seeking attention, approval, or a reaction from their owners. 

The act of stealing socks and shoes may provide dogs with a sense of excitement and satisfaction, especially if it results in attention from their owners.

Anxiety and Stress Relief

Stealing socks and shoes may also serve as a coping mechanism for dogs experiencing anxiety or stress. 

Dogs may engage in destructive behaviors, such as stealing items, as a way of self-soothing and alleviating feelings of tension or discomfort. 

The act of stealing and chewing on socks and shoes may provide dogs with a sense of comfort and security, similar to how a child might seek solace from a favorite blanket or toy.

Habitual Behavior

Over time, stealing socks and shoes may become a habitual behavior for some dogs. 

If a dog successfully steals and chews on socks or shoes without facing any negative consequences, they may be more likely to repeat the behavior in the future. 

The act of stealing socks and shoes may become a rewarding and reinforcing behavior for dogs, leading them to engage in it repeatedly.


  1. Overall, Karen L. "Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals." Mosby, 1997.
  2. Horowitz, Alexandra. "Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know." Scribner, 2009.
  3. Coren, Stanley. "Why Does My Dog Act That Way?: A Complete Guide to Your Dog's Personality." Free Press, 2006.