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Choosing A Dog : Which Dog Breeds Are Easiest To Train ?

which dog breeds easiest to train

 Are some dog breeds really harder to train than others ?

It's good news for those with Labradors, not so much for those with Boxers !

Yes, some dog breeds are generally considered to be harder to train than others due to various factors such as intelligence, independence, energy levels, and prey drive. For example:

  1. Sighthounds: Breeds like Afghan Hounds, Salukis, and Basenjis are known for their independent nature and can be less motivated by traditional training methods.

  2. Northern Breeds: Dogs like Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are intelligent but can be stubborn and have high energy levels, requiring consistent and patient training.

  3. Guardian Breeds: Breeds such as Bullmastiffs and Rottweilers may be more challenging to train due to their strong guarding instincts and tendency to be assertive.

  4. Terriers: Dogs like Jack Russell Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are known for their determination and high prey drive, which can make training more challenging.

  5. Herding Breeds: Breeds like Border Collies and Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and energetic but may require more mental stimulation and training to prevent boredom-related behaviors.

However, it's essential to remember that individual temperament, upbringing, and training methods play significant roles in a dog's trainability. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, most dogs can learn and thrive regardless of their breed tendencies.


Here's a table ranking the top 20 most popular dog breeds in terms of trainability, with a score of 1 indicating the hardest to train and 10 indicating the easiest:

RankBreedTrainability Score
1Afghan Hound1
5Basset Hound4
6Chow Chow5
7Siberian Husky6
8Alaskan Malamute6
12Shih Tzu8
14Poodle (Standard)9
15Golden Retriever10
16Labrador Retriever10
17German Shepherd10
18Border Collie9
19Australian Shepherd9

Please note that these rankings are based on general breed tendencies and may vary based on individual dogs and circumstances. Additionally, trainability can be influenced by factors such as the owner's training methods, consistency, and the dog's socialization and environment.

And a suggested Training regimen for each of the breeds, dependent on their training difficulty score above :

Dogs Ranked 1-4 (Score 1 for the hardest to train):

  1. Afghan Hound
    • Focus Training: Teach the Afghan Hound to maintain eye contact and focus on you despite distractions. Use high-value treats and gradually increase the level of distraction during training sessions.
    • Recall Training: Work extensively on recall training in a safe, enclosed area, using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise. Afghan Hounds have a strong prey drive, so ensuring a reliable recall is crucial.
    • Leash Training: Afghan Hounds can be independent and may resist leash training. Start with short, positive leash training sessions using rewards to encourage walking calmly beside you.

Dogs Ranked 5-7 (Score 6 for moderate trainability):

  1. Siberian Husky
    • Crate Training: Since Siberian Huskies can be mischievous when left alone, crate training is essential. Introduce the crate gradually with positive associations like treats and toys, and teach them to stay calm inside.
    • Basic Obedience: Focus on teaching basic commands such as sit, stay, and down using positive reinforcement techniques. Consistent repetition and short, frequent training sessions are key.
    • Mental Stimulation: Incorporate puzzle toys, scent games, and interactive activities to keep the Siberian Husky mentally stimulated. Engaging their mind can help prevent boredom-related behaviors.

Dogs Ranked 8 or Above (Score 8-10 for easier to train):

  1. Golden Retriever
    • Retrieving Games: Leverage the breed's natural retrieving instincts by teaching them to fetch and retrieve objects. Start with soft toys or balls and gradually increase the difficulty level.
    • Agility Training: Golden Retrievers are typically eager to please and excel in agility training. Set up agility courses with obstacles like tunnels, jumps, and weave poles to provide physical and mental exercise.
    • Advanced Obedience: Progress to advanced obedience commands such as heel, leave it, and drop it. Use positive reinforcement and consistency to reinforce good behavior and refine their skills further.

Conclusion : Tailoring training regimes to each breed's characteristics can help maximize their potential and strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners.