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Will My New Puppy Get Along With My Cat ?


Bringing a New Puppy into Your Cat's Territory: A Path To Peaceful Coexistence

The addition of a new puppy into your home can be chaotic, especially when you already have a feline that rules the roost. 

Rest assured, with the proper steps and a patient approach, it is very possible for your new puppy and your resident cat to live together in harmony. 

It's all about setting the stage for a respectful and peaceful coexistence. Now let's walk through the process to ensure a smooth introduction for all involved.


Laying the Groundwork for a Smooth Introduction

Before your puppy sets a paw inside your home, make sure your cat feels secure. Your cat should have access to high places, like shelves or the top of a wardrobe, away from the reach of your curious pup. 

Ensure these sanctuaries—complete with their bed, litter box, and food—are in place to offer comfort during this transition. 

Remember, your cat's sense of domain is about to be shared; respecting their space is crucial.

Scent Swapping: The Prelude to Face-to-Face Meetings

Begin to weave the tapestry of their relationship with scent swapping. This can start with exchanging bedding or a soft cloth rubbed on one pet and then presented to the other. 

Introducing them to each other's scent blends the familiar with the new, easing potential tension by the time they actually meet.

Obedience Training Prior to Introductions

Before the introductions, invest time in basic obedience training with your puppy. Commands like "sit", "stay", and "leave it" are valuable tools to facilitate controlled encounters. 

Having this level of communicative control can prevent an overly playful pup from overwhelming a cautious cat.

The Initial Encounters between Felines and Canines

Controlled First Impressions Behind Barriers

For their initial rendezvous, set up a barrier such as a baby gate or a clear panel that allows visibility without physical interaction. 

This control method enables both your puppy and cat to lay eyes on each other without the risk of an unwanted chase or flight response.

The Role of Body Language in Early Interactions

Become a keen observer of their body language. A tail tucked under or fluffed up fur are signs of discomfort in cats, while a relaxed posture or softly wagging tail can indicate ease in dogs.

 Monitoring your pets body language will guide you in determining the pace and success of their introduction.

Using Treats and Praise to Encourage Calmness

Arm yourself with treats and use them to reinforce calm behavior. For your cat, high-valued treats can make the presence of the puppy less intimidating, while for the puppy, treats serve as a distraction and a reward for subdued excitement.

Advancing the Relationship Between Puppy and Cat

Gradual Face-to-Face Introductions

Once both pets exhibit signs of being unfazed by each other's scents and the sight of one another, arrange a more direct but still carefully managed introduction. 

Keep the puppy on a leash, letting the cat decide when or if to approach. Your presence should be a soothing influence, not a forceful one.

Monitoring Interaction and Intervening When Necessary

With both animals in the same room, let them dictate the flow of their interaction while being ready to step in. 

If the puppy gets too boisterous or the cat too defensive, gently redirect to maintain a relaxed environment.

Allowing for Escapes: The Importance of High Perches

Ensure your cat always has an escape route. Cats often feel safer observing from a vantage point, so granting easy access to higher ground can be crucial for their comfort and the dynamic of their relationship with your puppy.

Maintaining Harmony and Safety in the Long-term

Supervised Coexistence and Avoiding Unattended Time

Even if early introductions go well, never leave your cat and puppy together unsupervised until you're confident in their relationship. 

It can take time for trust to establish, and there's no need to rush into leaving them alone together.

puppy and cat get along

Continuous Training and Positive Reinforcement

Maintain the progress by continuing to train your puppy and reinforcing good behavior around the cat. 

This doesn't end with initial introductions but is an ongoing process that evolves with them.

What to Do If the Pets Don't Get Along

Sometimes, despite your efforts, they may simply not get along. It's essential to recognize and accept this possibility.

In such cases, consulting a professional behaviorist or considering alternative arrangements might be necessary for the well-being of both animals.

You're now equipped with the foundational knowledge to promote a peaceful and lifelong friendship between your new puppy and your cat. 

Keep in mind that patience, consistent training, and understanding the uniqueness of each pet's personality are key to this harmonious journey. 

Welcome this challenge with a compassionate heart and a clear strategy, and you may just be surprised at the bonds that form under your nurturing guidance.


  1. Introducing your new puppy to your cat - Blue Cross

  2. Introducing puppies to cats - Vets for Pets

  3. How to introduce a new puppy to your cat - Cats Protection

  4. How to introduce a puppy to your cat, by expert dog trainer Ben ...

  5. Introducing Your Puppy to Your Cat!